Coming Out

I just made a twitter account for this blog to hopefully get it out there. Though looking through other people's twitters and seeing just how many blogs are out there like this one I almost feel like a fraud.
While some people may find comfort in the idea of other people going through the same situation, I feel like others may feel pretty tired of all of us up and coming writers and why do I think I am any different?
Thoughts like this have kept me from putting my thoughts and works out into the world. But here we go. I am "coming out" if you will, as a hobby writer. I have been brave enough to share my stuff with 2 close friends of mine who have read this blog and one of them suggested I take my blog to twitter. So squashing all my negative thoughts about that idea I did it.
It takes a lot to remind myself that my thoughts, my stories, my poems, whatever i deicide to write, is mine, unique to me. They may be similar to other people's works, a mash of stories I have loved but it  is still my thoughts on that page. It's a lot to remember, but it helps me not quit.


  1. Everyone is different. Yes there are a lot of writers out there, and writer blogs. But everyone has a unique view on life and writing. That's part of the beauty of it. No two people will ever write the same story, even if you give them the same starting point, because their history has shaped them differently, they like different things, they have different kinds of training - some professional and some hard knocks, self taught - and that all goes into, and shines in our writing. Keep being you, and never quit!

    1. This makes a lot of sense. I never thought about it that way! The same goes for you, never quit, get that story out there, screw what people say about it. ;)



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