Humor Me

I am not a funny person. I do not understand humor like most people do. Some things I find WAY too funny (like snorting into my drink) kind of funny. Other things have people cracking up and really laughing and I have no idea why it's funny. I can GET the joke and still not understand WHY it's so dang funny.
This happens a lot and my friends have learned to accept it. Other people may just think I'm weird but that's fine too.
I am also not a funny person. My jokes are worse than dad jokes. They're not even real jokes (unless I find them on the internet.. then they're just dad jokes) so when I do say something and my friends laugh I count that as a win for the day.

Here's a joke that I thought was freaking hilarious that I found on the internet.

Person 1: How do you fit an elephant in a subway car?
Person 2: How?
1: Take the 'S' out of sub and the 'F' out of way.
2: but there is not 'F' in way!

Get it? So far none of my friends have played their part correctly in this joke but I will find someone to be my unwilling victim.

Due to my lack of humor (or different, unique, sense of it) most of the characters I create tend to be serious and/or humorless. I usually base them off of me because as I writer I should know my main character better than the other characters and I know myself better than I know anyone else. If I do have to write a "funny" character, they don't appear for often or for long. It's usually a quip to mock the main character to show how the main character deals with situations like this.
Or I use my fiancé and friends. They are all hilarious (at least to each other they are). If I am stuck on a "funny" character then I will ask them how they would react or what they would say in that situation (usually I have to coax them with alcoholic beverages first). Or if it isn't a specific situation and I am trying to build a characters actions and personality I will take full conversations that they have and put them in the book. Luckily I never let anyone read them so they have no idea and it usually ends up drastically changed or scrapped anyways.

Trying to create characters that aren't all one dimensional or all act/talk like I do is still something I struggle with but am working past. Usually I will borrow someone I know's personality and use that as a base and go from there.

Also, describing characters, not even in the book, just trying to put them on paper, is something that stumps me. I tend to use basic adjectives and wonder why my characters are all one dimensional.

I will work on a character description and post it later to show just how bad they actually are.


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