Sixteen Reasons Why

While trying to think of what to write about today the show 13 Reasons Why popped up on the Netflix screen (yes I'm multi tasking) I haven't yet sat down to watch it as I still don't know if I'm going to since I have heard mixed review about it. I'll wait until a few more people have seen it.

But since this is my 16th post I thought I would do 16 Reasons Why I Write.

1. Some people use yoga, or running, or meditation to relax and clear their heads. I write. Sitting down after a long day and getting lost in my story helps me stop thinking about all the things I need to get done, it helps me calm down after a particularly anxious day and it relaxes me, almost like reading does.

2. I am an avid reader. If there is a book I want to read and I can't find it anywhere I write it. There are so many good story ideas in my head and I want to put them on paper.

3. I have always been a writer at heart. While I was moving into a new home my mom dug out everything of mine from their house. In my "Keepsakes" box I uncovered 2 notebooks filled with stories I made up as a child. They were silly and didn't really make sense but my mom thought they were amusing enough to write them down.

4. It satisfies my sense of adventure. Unable to travel due to funds and time I am able to send my characters off to adventurous lands and travel the world. I can live vicariously through my characters and travel the world.

5. It can affect my mood. If I am sad or angry I can dive into my novel and take on the emotions of my characters.

6. I can change the story. No one likes it when a book or movie ends. As a writer I can continue the story for myself and find out what happens next. I can create my own epilogue. These are projects that I don't advertise or put out there. They are for my own enjoyment and I would never to take away from what the author themselves has written. I try my best to stay true to the story.

7. I can change my own story. Many of my projects are a representation of myself. Something that I have noticed in my characters. The character will start off similar to me and over the course of the story transform into what I hope to be. In contrast I may have two characters, one that is like me and one that I hope I can be.

8. Writing allows me to say what I want to say. I get anxious talking to people. I stammer over my words and sometimes can't even get them out and I'm so focused on trying to speak that I forget what I wanted to say. Writing allows me to articulate what I want to say and get the thought out there.

9. Writing helps me type faster. In this new age of technology taking notes by hand is just too slow nowadays. I was never a fast typer so writing daily helps me learn to type faster.

10. I write to make sense of the world. By experiencing the world through my characters eyes I can make better sense of how the world is perceived and what is going on in the world. I take large complex situations that are happening in the world and I take it down to a small scale in my stories.

11. I write to better understand people. I am socially awkward. Interacting with people is not as easy for me as it is for other people. By putting my characters in social situations I can better understand what social interactions should look like.

12. I write to improve myself. By creating characters that are strong or independent I can tell the story of how they became that way and I can change the way I see myself. I can use my stories and characters to live more life each day.

13. I write because I love it. I love to write. It's a passion. Something that if I don' do for a while I start to get that itch. It's something I need to get out of my system.


  1. Hello. Just wanted to say that we seem to have the exact 16 reasons we write. I really like #6 and I can SO relate to Netflix issues. I write with the T.V on so I can daydream or see something inspiring when I'm blocked, but this CAN get me too distracted sometimes. Check out my blog and get inspired.

    1. Hi! I feel like many writers write for similar reasons. We all have a passion for it! Your blog looks wonderful and I look forward to reading it!



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