Work, Work, Work

Starting off writing doesn't pay the bills. Even after you've been published sometimes writing won't pay the bills.
I have a Bachelor's of Science in Biology and spent 2 years in my career. After deciding to go back to school for a career change I am now a student, working a part-time job, and trying to exercise. All of this leaves little time for writing. So while I am out of school for summer (all of 2 weeks because of summer school). I decided to start this blog and whole new project. I did not anticipate my job.
I started working full days again in a very physical job. I come home so exhausted and after making dinner and showering I don't have the energy to write anymore.
But it's something that I love so I sit down with some caffeine to try and stay awake long enough to write a few lines of my new project that still doesn't have a title as well as keep up on this blog.
It can be difficult to keep up on everything I love and everything I have to get done in the 5 hours between when I get home and when I need to go to bed.
But I love writing. I don't ever expect it to pay the bills for me, but as a hobby it lets me express the thoughts in my head and the stories I want to share with everyone.

The Picture came from this site. Seeing as I don't photoshop well and I don't have a cover or a title for my project. But this is the first line of the book.
Thinking of just calling it Creatures. But I'm not sure.


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