I Need More Minutes

Came home late from work
Roughly 4:30
Started online class
Finished a 7:45 (earliest ever so far)
My fiancé is lovely and made me dinner so I didn't have to stop homework
So tired of typing notes
That I can't even bring myself to continue my story

But I haven't written a post in so long that I wanted to write one. I wasn't sure what I wanted to write about until this very sentence.

Creatures Synopsis:

"The creatures come out at night. Be home by dusk." Two sentences that haunted Charlie's dreams. It's been years since the creatures first started attacking the world. Creatures that took Charlie's parents and countless others from him. He has managed to survive on sheer luck alone, until he finds another human hiding in his shack. Two teenagers venture out to go on the biggest adventure of their lifetime to find the source of the Creatures that have invaded their world.

It's probably not the official synopsis, seeing as I just pulled it from thin air just now. I'm in Chapter 2 currently where Charlie has met this other mysterious teen.

Unfortunately I spent too much time reading about writing tonight that I didn't get anywhere farther than this synopsis.

I need more minutes in my day! There are so many things to read and write that there isn't enough time!!

My audiobook of Middlesex was returned today. I will go back to reading Prisoner Zero soon, it just doesn't seem to be holding my interest the way I wish it was.


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