Giving Myself Rules

I have so many things going on right now that I had to lay down some ground rules for myself.

No more staying up until midnight trying to write when I have to be up at 5 the next morning.
Can't start writing until homework is finished (unless I want to be doing homework at midnight when I have to be up at 5...)
Be more flexible. Sometimes shit happens.

and the biggest rule, that involves everyone reading this,

Blog posts only one day a week (for now). 

At this point I have quiet a few posts seeing as I have been trying to put up a new one everyday. Not only am I struggling for ideas here (as I am still working on the same project I was before) but I also am running out of time to sit down and think of a new idea. The posts just aren't flowing like they used to.

So on SUNDAYS you can expect a new blog post from me full of my witty glory (ha!) and all my writing knowledge (double ha!).

Though if there is anything you guys want me to write about or even have a prompt for me to attempt for the next few blog posts feel free to share them!


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