I hate editing! My own stuff that is. Reading through other people's works and fixing small errors here and there is really enjoyable. I love reading a new story, or a revised story and seeing how it plays out. Editing my own stuff though is time consuming and frustrating. I end up taking out whole chapters in the editing process because I can't stand the way they sound. Usually my writing takes place during the month of November for NaNoWriMo. National November Writing Month. So I am trying to follow a rough outline that I created in October and keep up my word count, usually around work, family time, and Thanksgiving of all holidays where my family usually takes a no-WiFi-available vacation. Now, you'd think, writing is just a pen and paper, or a word document. But when you really need to know the name of that one tiny town and the population of that tiny town you use a lot of fillers and have to go back and google everything when you finally get WiFi again. Trying...
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